How to get there?

Setenil de las Bodegas is located in the intersection of Serranía de Ronda and Sierra de Cádiz.

It is set deep in the route of the white villages and is located at an average altitude of 640 meters and at 134km far from the capital of its province, Cádiz.

The access to Setenil varies in function of your origin:

  • If you come from the capital of Málaga: it is suggested the following roads: dual carriageway A-357 in the direction of Campillos, A-367 in the direction of Cuevas del Becerro and Ronda, in Cuevas del Becerro turn right joining the road A-7276 in the direction of Alcalá del Valle and finally turn left joining the road CA-9121, which is the access to Setenil de las Bodegas.
  • If you come from the coast of Malaga: keep on the road A-397 in the direction of Ronda. Passing by this road, take the exit in the direction of Campillos through the A-367 and next, take the exit of the left in the direction of Arriate through the road MA-7400. From this last intersection to Setenil there are about 17km in which you will have to cross the locality of Arriate and so, later, take the road MA-7403 and finally, join the road CA-9122 which leads you to Setenil de las Bodegas.
  • If you come from Cádiz or Jerez and West Coast: take the dual carriageway A-376 and once passed by the locality of Utrera, join the A-375 in the direction of Puerto Serrano. Keep on this road until the intersection with the road A-384 in the direction of Olvera and finally, at about 17km far, join the roads CA-9106 and CA-9120 which cross Torre-Alháquime that leads you to Setenil de las Bodegas.


You can also search for the closest route with Google Maps from here.

If you decide to come by bus, check the bus companies schedules in:

Once you are in Setenil, you can check the following plan of general information in the street map of the leaflet Setenil ¡Vive la experiencia! (Setenil Live the experience!)


Watch here the promo video of Setenil.

Watch here the promo video of Cádiz.